The wisdom of the greater consciousness is available to everyone.


All readings are done over zoom with a link sent once the reading is scheduled.

45 minute/$100

Readings are always only filled with love and healing acknowledgement from spirit. I will start by describing what you can expect. I see, hear, and feel energy and I will describe to you what I am perceiving. As the sitter, all you need to do is to tell me if the information makes sense or not. It is my goal to provide evidence of your loved one in spirit, establish a connection where you feel like you are in direct communication with your loved one, and to bring forth a relevant message for you from your loved one.

Mediumship Readings

Spiritual Readings

I will connect to your energetic field by looking at your colors, to get a sense of how you best communicate with your higher self and your guides. Together, we will explore the different ways you receive intuitive information and come up with a plan for deepening your spiritual practice. And, I will listen for wisdom that your guides want you to know!


I also donate mediumship readings through VerySoul .  If you have not checked it out please do!  It is a wonderful platform dedicated to outreach, mediumship development, and quality readings. There are so many wonderful, vetted mediums on this site.  


It is always my intention to work for the highest good of all and to portray the wonder and awe I have for this work!