An expansion of perspective always leads to growth and healing…a gift in and of the human experience.



I am not one of those people who was born a medium. I did not have multi-sensory experiences that I was aware of nor any reason to think that communication at the soul level was possible. I grew up hearing that people went to heaven when they died but really didn’t consider much more than that as I grew into adulthood. It wasn’t until a huge loss that left me searching for meaning surrounding death and consciousness, that I began my journey into mediumship. Through meditation, I found stillness in the present moment, allowing me to perceive subtle energy. I started developing my mediumship by participating in circles, classes, mentorships, and practices. I also discovered, when quieting my mind, I would enter into a state of receiving…receiving feelings of connection, wisdom, and love. I began to write while in this deep state of connection. What materialized were profound writings pertaining to questions I had about human existence and life’s purpose. The more I open up to this world of possibility, that consciousness is not limited to our physicality, the more I feel gratitude for the immensely varied, and intensely wonderful experience of being human! Connecting people with their loved ones in spirit fills me with so much joy, wonder, and awe!

  • “Until I had a reading with Sarah, I didn’t know what healing could be possible from connecting to loved ones in Spirit. In one session, she was able to connect to my Dad and his mother. She brought through countless evidence that it was really them. And the messages they gave through Sarah were so beautiful and life changing. I wish I could have a reading with Sarah everyday! But seriously, what I really wish is that this magical healing of her gift of mediumship will touch as many souls as possible in this lifetime.”

    -Britt M, SF Bay Area

  • Sarah has a natural ability to tune into the spirit world, and a unique proclivity to capture the essence of your loved one’s nature and personality. Her readings are clear, evidential and gracefully delivered. She can pull through and relay heartfelt messages and sentiments from spirit and facilitate a flow of conversation between the sitter and spirit. Her highly intuitive abilities add an extra dimension to her readings, enabling her to provide intuitive guidance and perspective in any situation.

    My readings with Sarah have brought so much joy and warmth back into my life after the loss of my son. They have also been truly healing and left me with no doubt that the our loved one’s spirits are alive and well in our true home and so very present in our lives.

    -Eliza Welch, Albany, CA

  • “In my session with Sarah, she brought through my Great Aunt who passed away when I was a child. I knew it was my Great Aunt immediately as Sarah brought her through so clearly communicating my Great Aunt’s humor and warmth as well as delivering a message from her. It was a beautiful experience working with Sarah who creates a safe space to make connections with loved ones that have passed.”

    -Bronwyn Hughes, SF Bay Area

  • My readings with Sarah have been completely mind blowing. As a sensitive and skilled medium, she has an innate ability to access higher realms and to connect to the other side. She has given me poignant and helpful information on matters she would never have known about otherwise. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking to know more about themselves or their path, to connect to someone who has passed away, or to learn more about the higher realm.

    -Annie F, Berkeley, CA

  • Sarah had already demonstrated her excellent skill as an evidential medium to me, and I was eager for an Akashic reading experience. That reading, in response to my specific question, provided me with assurance and encouragement. Quite wonderful!

    -Brooke A. Brown Ph.D., author of Emalia: A Mother-Daughter Journey from Here to Beyond