Proof of consciousness beyond the physical, allows us to experience limitless love!

What is Consciousness and Why Mediumship?

  • When we are aware that we are the observers of our own experiences and not just what we are experiencing, our perspective widens to one of greater compassion for ourselves and others. We think the thoughts that shape how we feel, and when we realize that we have power over our thoughts, that we are not our thoughts, judgement falls away making room for healing and growth.

  • Mediums act as a bridge, translating the energy of a person in spirit, for a person who wants to hear from a loved one who has passed. In addition to the comfort of hearing from missed loved ones, mediumship provides evidence from spirit, proving that this consciousness does not disappear after the death of the human body. This consciousness is always expanding, growing, and evolving. And the overwhelming truth of all the countless readings I have participated in, is unconditional love. If every individual held themselves with the unconditional love and compassion that spirit has for humankind, so much of the suffering of being human would be alleviated.

  • We are energy, consciousness, getting to experience life in the physical….we are both spirit and physical beings. The very nature of being human implies impermanence and the contrast within that change. When we are aware of the wildly vast experiences and emotions of being human, we feel joy to the fullest along with the compassion that comes from suffering. With this awareness comes the knowledge that we are all connected not just as human beings but to the greater consciousness as a whole. We ARE consciousness….beautifully interwoven, limitless, expansive, and full of potential.

“Sarah has a natural ability to tune into the spirit world, and a unique proclivity to capture the essence of your loved one’s nature and personality.”

— Eliza Welch, SF Bay Area, CA


  • Readings are always only filled with love and healing acknowledgement from spirit. I will start by describing what you can expect. I see, hear, and feel energy and I will describe to you what I am perceiving. As the sitter, all you need to do is to tell me if the information makes sense or not. It is my goal to provide evidence of your loved one in spirit, establish a connection where you feel like you are in direct communication with your loved one, and to bring forth a relevant message for you from your loved one.

  • In the Akasha, every thought, idea, and action from the past, present, and future is stored. Everyone has access to their own records and they can be used for guidance, counsel, and support in the highest good. Together, we will open your record using the Pathway prayer, and you will be given the opportunity to pose a question for which you are seeking guidance. Just by opening your own record, you can experience the unconditional love of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

  • I began writing while in a meditative state several years ago. As meditation became a practice, so did the writing. Without intentionally engaging my thinking mind, I allow the words to flow while maintaining a state of open receptivity. Answers to questions, expressions of love and beauty, and profound messages never cease to amaze me. I have shared some on this site and will continue to.

  • Everyone has the ability to tap into their intuition, their inner knowing, including mediumship and Akashic record reading. The best way to gain access to your intuition is through meditation. In meditation, you can begin to feel the difference between your thinking mind, and you as the observer in the present moment. Recognizing this distinction between the thinking mind and observing mind allows you to develop trust of your intuition. I have created some guided meditations using binaural beats to be listened to with head phones. Not unlike other practices, the more you meditate the easier and more comfortable it becomes!

  • I cohost the Medium Curious podcast with Jane Morgan!

All readings are done over zoom with a link sent once the reading is scheduled.